864-715-2341 bill@kimlerforsc.com


There is nothing that cannot be achieved where there is vision and determination.

A leader prioritizes those issues that many of us in South Carolina face every day and doesn’t waste time on a divisive agenda that helps no one.

Bill is that no-nonsense leader who will work to ensure all South Carolinians have a chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Beliefs and Priorities

Core Beliefs

I believe in Freedom: One should be able to pursue whatever activities they wish, be whomever they wish to be, as long as they cause no harm to someone else physically, mentally or financially.

I believe in Prioritization: The limited time the South Carolina General Assembly is in session should be spent on pursuing legislation that do the most good for the most people.

I believe in Humility: An elected official should never forget the people that they serve and the trust that is imparted into the people’s seat. They should approach all decisions with open ears and minds, willing to listen and learn from the collective wealth of knowledge and expertise others bring to the table.

I believe in Religious Freedom: My beliefs may not be the same as yours beliefs and I should not be allowed to impose mine upon you, nor yours upon me. But I also do not accept that bigotry, discrimination and hate should be allowed to hide behind the behind the phrase “religious freedom”. One’s freedom to worship should not infringe upon the rights of other members of society.

Top Legislative Priorities

Medical Debt Reform

More than 1 out of 5 South Carolinians have medical debt in collections (it’s more than 1 out of 4 among people of color). It’s one of the most pressing issues in our state that is getting ignored.

I will fight to eliminate the state government’s role in garnishing wages and tax returns for medical debt. I will also push to study measures that have been successfully proven in other states, such as partnering with charities who purchase this type of debt at pennies on the dollar, controlling the maximum interest rate allowed on medical debt, and disallowing reporting to a credit bureau for reasons of medical debt.

Cyber Security

With each day comes another news item about critical aspects of our infrastructure being shut down due to cyberattacks and ransomware. Hospitals, schools, water utilities, private business and local governments – all have had to reduce or eliminate services and spend billions of dollars to recover data and resume operations.

As a technology leader with decades of experience, I will advocate for coordinated proactive and reactive approaches to cyberattacks with federal, private and research institutions. We need to make cyber defense and information safety a part of our culture starting from elementary school all the way through to retirement communities.



Equal Opportunity

Personal success always has elements of ambition, hard work, talent and luck. A government’s role is not to impose equal outcomes for all, but it must ensure that there is equal opportunity to succeed.

I support efforts such as the Equal Rights Amendment which constitutionally enshrines equal treatment for women and oppose any legislation that seeks to remove equality of rights for marginalized communities.

The Leadership South Carolina Needs
Right Now

About Bill

Bill has been a part of Greenwood, South Carolina for over 10 years. Married with four children, three dogs and two cats, Bill knows that South Carolina families are as diverse as America herself.

He’s a technology professional by trade but is also a firm believer in participating in local governance. He is passionate about education, healthcare, public safety, helping small businesses, protecting our natural resource and defending the rights of women, minorities, and LGBTQ persons in a state that’s big enough for everyone! 

Bill believes in the power of government to do good and that this power should not be abused. 

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for South Carolina
House of Representatives
District 13?

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